In order to support contracting authorities, especially hospitals, in conducting urgent medical public procurement in the unprecedented context of the COVID-19 pandemic, VASS Lawyers team has drafted the Medical Procurement Guide (content in Romanian), which provides both a summary of procedures to follow, as well as useful templates of justifying notes for carrying out these procedures.
Following the request addressed by the hospitals for templates of documents needed for the procurement of medical materials and equipment necessary during this period, VASS Lawyers made available to all hospitals such templates both for direct purchases and for negotiated procedures without prior publication of a contract notice. These templates include justifying notes, contracts, invitations, communications, etc. In addition, an association protocol for joint procurement conducted by hospitals was also drafted. At the same time, as regards the technical part of the award documentation, VASS Lawyers team also centralized technical specifications examples already published on the internet and in SEAP.
Thus, in collaboration with Koala Docs, a Romanian software for document automation directly from word, we provide each hospital with a free KoalaDocs account for one year. This account is helpful not only for its access to relevant guides, documentation templates and word document templates. Contracting authorities will also be able to create their own award documentations by adapting the templates to their own needs, in the shortest possible time.
Requests for creating accounts can be sent to or